Self-tests for pelvic asymmetry

I would say that pelvic rotation is the most important out of the four asymmetries shown in the video and it plays an important role in everyday life as the pelvis rotates when we walk. Imagine what would happen if your pelvis is rotated to the left side? You might slightly lean towards that side while walking, which can cause other compensations in your body.

Therefore, deciding which side your pelvis is rotated towards is the most important before choosing your class. There are four tests to determine your pelvic rotation. The 1-1 and 1-2 are the ones that make the pelvis unstable, while the 1-3 and 1-4 rather stabilize the pelvis. It can be seen that your pelvis rotates in the direction identified in more than three out of the four tests.

With the four tests, decide which side your pelvis rotates to and choose either Type 1 or Type 3. (Please see the following post 'combined case' for details.) After that, determine whether you need to add more exercises from the Type 2 class, depending on whether you have pelvic sway or not.

If you don't see any pelvic rotation, that's great! Then, you can just check pelvic sway/shift and if you have any, choose the Type 2 only. If you have pelvis inflare/outflare in addition to pelvic shift, do the Type 2 class as your main routine and add the exercises for inflare/outflare from the class 'Pelvic imbalance'.

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